Four short white lighted candles.

Time and Tradition

We began our Advent messages last week learning about hope from David in Psalm 25. This week we will study Zachariah’s Song in Luke 1. We’ll see the hope that he demonstrated as he reminded the Israelites that God kept his promises because of his love for them.

As far as we know, Zachariah and his wife Elizabeth were a typical, and probably traditional Jewish couple. Except they had been unable to have children. They surely hoped and waited for a very long time. But at their age, (Scripture’s words, not mine.) they no longer held much hope for having a family.

But then, an angel showed up and his message from God changed everything! There was a prophecy, a pregnancy, and a mute husband! Luke 1:26 begins, “In the sixth month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy…” Liz Curtis Higgs, author of The Women of Christmas this sentence is proof that God values women because he uses a woman’s pregnancy to mark time.

I think this time of year often makes us reminiscence. Todd and I were talking this week about how it makes us a bit sad that our family traditions have changed. I miss baking cookies and fudge with my Mama and aunts. He misses nearly the entire Olson family gathering for Christmas Day at Grandma and Grandpa’s house.

But just as God changed the timing and the traditions for Zachariah and Elizabeth, sometimes he changes them for us as well. It is OK for us to miss our loved ones who are gone. It is OK to honor the past. At the same time, it is also good to be joyful about the present and the future. God’s love held us then and it will hold us now.

P.S. – A note to help us slow down as we mark the time of Advent. I encourage you to choose your favorite Christmas carol or song and memorize more than the first verse. Then you can sing it to yourself as you mull over the meaning.

Let’s be Changed in our Waiting,
Pastor Cindy

Photo by Mario Losereit on Unsplash

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