Entries by Cindy Olson

On Procrastination

So it’s that time of year…when we reconsider the lofty New Year’s resolutions we made. It’s dark when we get up and dark long before we go to bed…and all […]

Resolutions or New Rhythms?

Are you stumbling your way through January? There have been several recent research studies that show the majority of us give up on our resolutions by January 19th – dubbing […]

Love Leads to Joy

We started our Advent journey with a hopeful lament. Hopeful because we believe in God. Lamenting because it makes space to be honest so we can be present for what […]

Time and Tradition

We began our Advent messages last week learning about hope from David in Psalm 25. This week we will study Zachariah’s Song in Luke 1. We’ll see the hope that […]

Grace and Thanks

The moment I realized I hadn’t blogged yet this week, God gave me my topic. I was sitting in the spot where I have devotions. I can look through a […]

Peter’s Re-Call

On Sunday, November 10 Pastor Todd spoke from the end of Luke and the beginning of Acts on how the disciples followed Jesus’ final three commands to them. They waited […]

Be Kind with your Freedom

This coming week is Election Day. Somedays it feels like the closer the election gets, the further it pushes us apart. I see and hear people make statements that infuriate […]